Archello Awards · Winners Announced
Archello Awards 2023 · Winners Announced
Archello Awards 2023
Winners Announced


versailles に関するプロジェクト、製品、独占記事の概要

ニュース詳細 • 4 Jan 2024

Detail: ADT rehabilitates a house in Versailles using concrete chamotte

Paris-based Atelier Delalande Tabourin (ADT) has completed the rehabilitation of a 300-square-meter (3,229-square-feet) house located in a 1950s residential area of the town of Versailles. ADT introduced four architectural interventions to the home’s dark interior: four “wells” — for lighting and circulation — that pierce the existing floors and act as distinctive features around which spaces are articulated. These new additions are made with concrete chamotte (grog), a material obtained from the crushed shards of defective bricks. Externally, the home’s heavy cubic appearance is lightened by a series of brick stelae on its sober facade. ADT’s work on materiality achieves a sensitive dialogue b... もっと見る

プロジェクト • にParc architectesコンサートホール

Rehabiliation of the Conservatory of Versailles

To rehabilitate the auditorium of the Regional Conservatorium of Musicof Versailles, which has become dilapidated and restore it to the prestigeit deserves, the project consisted in adding new spaces to the existingvolume and giving the feeling that they are larger than they do not appearthere. UP THE ROOM FLOORThe major operation of the project was to raise the floor of the room by70cm so that it was accessible without steps. This makes the basementfully usable in order to install additional rehearsal studios. The clear heightalso makes it possible to achieve a very effective acoustic insulationbetween levels. The room has about 243 seats distributed between thefloor and the balcony. The conservatory now includes 7 rehearsal studios,a roo... もっと見る