Archello Awards · Winners Announced
Archello Awards 2023 · Winners Announced
Archello Awards 2023
Winners Announced
Umani Hotel
  • Public vote winner
    Hotel Building of the Year
Dian Stanchev

Bathroom EquipmentGROHE
Window FramesETEM
Finnish ThermowoodJAF
Resine FlooringPava Resine
Interior LightingPolaris Lighting

Bathroom Equipment
Window Frames
ETEM さんの
Finnish Thermowood
JAF さんの
Orona さんの
Resine Flooring
Pava Resine さんの
Interior Lighting
Polaris Lighting さんの

Umani Hotel

STARH 建築家 として

Umani Hotel is located in close proximity to Golden Sands Nature Park near the city of Varna, Bulgaria, and looks over directly towards the Black Sea. Walking around the area, one could see the building slowly appearing behind dozens of oaks and acers, almost like mimicry. Even though the area is significantly busy due to Golden Sands Resort nearby, the space of Umani Hotel appears as a natural barrier and insulation for serenity.

photo_credit Dian Stanchev
Dian Stanchev
photo_credit Dian Stanchev
Dian Stanchev
photo_credit Dian Stanchev
Dian Stanchev

Initially, the program of the client was for an apartment building. However, later on in the process he decided to turn it into a hotel building, as well as personally managing it and took that as his mission. The plot of land is significantly sloped from west to east, surrounded by a pristine landscape with valuable tree species and natural rock formations. The concept of the project is to create a contextual building that fits easily into the natural environment, that looks light, airy and unobtrusive. This is a building that works well together with all elements of the surroundings and landscape, while enhancing its beauty without being dominant.

photo_credit Dian Stanchev
Dian Stanchev
photo_credit Dian Stanchev
Dian Stanchev
photo_credit Dian Stanchev
Dian Stanchev

The simplistic design is entirely subordinated to the natural features of the property - a strictly orthogonal rectangular prism that fits between the tall trees and the massive rocks, and lands in between without disturbing the densely landscaped screen. In order to achieve a greater mimicry, the design of the facades is entirely completed in vertical Finnish Тhermоwood battens, that encircle the entire structure. Dynamic is introduced by taking away from the volume in several places where loggias are formed, while they are emphasized by the clean line of the glass.
The clear floor plans and maximally large windows of the hotel rooms allow them to change their view in height - from the richness of the vegetation to the endless expanse of the sea horizon, which gradually appears. Umani Hotel has a humane way of influence - both because of its delicate intervention and because of the peaceful experience it brings.

photo_credit Dian Stanchev
Dian Stanchev
photo_credit Dian Stanchev
Dian Stanchev
photo_credit Dian Stanchev
Dian Stanchev


Architecture Studio: STARH

Lead Architect: Svetoslav Stanislavov

Architects: Dimitar Katsarov, Hristo Dushev, Iva Kostova, Petar Nikolov, Borislav Stanchev, Debora Dimitrova, Sanya Kovacheva, Georgi Pasev, Vladimir Kavaev, Mirela Teofanova, Marina Madzharova, Maria Yanakieva, Iva Bardarska 

Interior: Svetlana Yaneva, Alexandra Kechovska

Photographer: Dian Stanchev

photo_credit Dian Stanchev
Dian Stanchev
photo_credit Dian Stanchev
Dian Stanchev
photo_credit Dian Stanchev
Dian Stanchev

Materials Used:

Window frames: ETEM
Elevator: Orona
Finnish Thermowood: JAF
Bathroom Equipment: GROHE
Resine flooring: Pava Resine
Lighting fixtures: Polaris
Partition walls: Rigips



  • Public vote winner
    Hotel Building of the Year
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