Archello Awards · Winners Announced
Archello Awards 2023 · Winners Announced
Archello Awards 2023
Winners Announced
Hoja De Especificaciones Del Producto

ElementoMarcaNombre Del Producto
FurnitureBLU DOT

Hoja De Especificaciones Del Producto
por Interface
por Milliken
por naughtone
por Senator
por Allermuir


Unispace como Arquitectos

Sales enablement leader Seismic was reevaluating their real estate footprint and rethinking the purpose of the workplace. Seismic partnered with Unispace to create a new San Diego headquarters that would better support Seismic’s hybrid workforce.​ 

With a goal of becoming a leader in the future of work, Seismic wanted their workplace to reflect five tenets - flexibility, connections, collaboration, wellness, and inclusion - which would be achieved through:

  • Tech-enabled spaces supporting interactions between remote and in-office employees
  • Zones for formal and informal meetups
  • Areas supporting productivity, health and wellbeing, and diverse staff needs
  • Design elements paying homage to Seismic's new brand and headquarters location
photo_credit Lawrence Anderson Photography
Lawrence Anderson Photography

Unispace helped Seismic achieve their goals by creating an experiential, branded workplace. Rather than organizing the office by department, the Unispace team created activity zones that supported all employees’ work styles. These zones included innovation hubs for brainstorming and collaboration; rooms for focus work and private calls; wellness areas; and multi-use spaces for entertaining and socializing. Moveable furniture and tools like mobile whiteboards allow the workplace to flex and adjust as needed, and integrated tech provides easy connections between remote and in-office staff.

photo_credit Lawrence Anderson Photography
Lawrence Anderson Photography

Thoughtful placements of Seimic’s brand throughout the space deepens employees’ connection to the company, its mission, and its goals. To draw ties to San Diego and the community, we ”brought the outside in,” hanging custom surfboards from the ceiling, naming meeting rooms after San Diego landmarks, using biophilia, and highlighting exterior views with floor-to-ceiling windows.

Seismic’s completed headquarters creates an experiential environment where employees can celebrate each other and clients. The new space enables staff to complete their day-to-day functions whether it’s focus work, connecting with different disciplines, or collaborating with teams in and out of the office. The office design represents the future of work and reflects Seismic’s mission of being one team with shared experiences.

photo_credit Lawrence Anderson Photography
Lawrence Anderson Photography

Architect: Unispace
GC: Bycor Construction
Landlord: American Assets
MEP Eng: Elen Consulting 
Furniture Rep: Cultura
Photo credits: Lawrence Anderson Photography

photo_credit Lawrence Anderson Photography
Lawrence Anderson Photography

Material Used:
1. Furniture Brands: Haworth, Senator/Allermuir, Naughtone, Enwork, Poppin, BluDot
2. Flooring: Milliken, Interface

photo_credit Lawrence Anderson Photography
Lawrence Anderson Photography
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