Archello Awards · Winners Announced
Archello Awards 2023 · Winners Announced
Archello Awards 2023
Winners Announced
Private house in the Moonsund archipelago
Tõnu Tunnel

Private house in the Moonsund archipelago

Thermory en tant que Fabricants.

The private house in the Moonsund archipelago is a 250 m² artwork by Hanna Karits. The Estonian islands are enchanting in their uniqueness and this is what inspired Hanna to create a symbiosis of local materials, peace, light, nature, and empathy. A house where you can enjoy Nordic darkness, crispness, and fresh air. 

photo_credit Tõnu Tunnel
Tõnu Tunnel

The house is a further development of the original factory building, which is a bungalow with an inner courtyard surrounded by tall and imposing windows, which fill the long corridors and living room with light.  

Most of the materials used in the house are natural – wood, limestone, clay paint, and wool carpets. The combination was based on aesthetic choices as well as Hanna’s goal to create an environment that is as natural as possible. In order to enhance the value of wood as the most environmentally friendly and renewable building material today, Hanna has used it in as many different ways as possible.  

photo_credit Tõnu Tunnel
Tõnu Tunnel

In addition to the floors, the same wood has been used on the living room and bedroom ceiling to make the high and spacious rooms with large glass surfaces safer for people in terms of spatial experience. 

photo_credit Tõnu Tunnel
Tõnu Tunnel
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