Archello Awards · Winners Announced
Archello Awards 2023 · Winners Announced
Archello Awards 2023
Winners Announced

Archello Privacy Policy

Última Actualización: 02 feb. 2022

The protection of your privacy and personal information is of the utmost importance to Archello. This Archello Privacy Policy gives transparency to the information we collect, how we use it and the steps we take to protect it. The policy governs all the products and services we provide throughout the website. When you use the site, you consent to the way we collect, manage and protect your data as described in this document.

1 Information you share with us

1.1 Your user account

When you sign up for a personal account at Archello we save your name, email and password. Passwords are saved encrypted. If you forget your email you can reset your password via a link that can be sent to the email address with which you created the account. In your personal account you are free to add your occupation, location, your interests, brands you want to follow and create a first collection during the sign-up phase. There is an option to skip all this. Archello can use this anonymized information to give clients insight into the demographics of its users and can use this anonymized information to offer you content linked to your interests, followed companies, profession and collections.

You are also free to add your gender and birthdate. Archello will never share this with other parties. As an option, you can add a profile picture and cover photo to your personal account and add a short description. When you login via facebook or linkedin, Archello automatically adds your profile image from the respective social media profile. The profile picture is visible if you link your personal account to a brand account as a team member, then your profile images and name will be shown in the team member section of the brand you connected to. The personal profile page is visible to the public, but you can turn this off in your settings by making your profile private.

1.2 Collection

When you make a collection your profile picture will be shown on the collection page and next to the collection card on the homepage if it is featured. When you save your favourite products or projects in a collection, you can choose to make this private or public. Visitors will only be able to see a public collection.

1.3 Newsletters

Archello offers newsletters. This way you can receive updates on the most interesting posts of the week or get notifications about new products or projects from your favorite companies, about upcoming events, new functions and offers. To make sure you only get newsletters that you wish to receive, you must explicitly opt-in. Our newsletters are sent via Sendgrid, Inc. (US), which receives the required information from us.

1.4 Request and contact forms

On a product page you can send a variety of requests about the product itself or the brand of the product. You can ask a product brand for more information, request prices, documentation, request and download catalogues, 3D files, or request available suppliers. On a brand page you can contact a brand via the contact button. In order to respond to your request, the brand requires some of your information. The personal information you provide in the form will be shared with the contacted party. When you are logged into your personal account, automatically your name and email will be placed in the form. You can choose whether to make a request or not.

1.5 Follow

Every company on Archello has a follow button on their brand page. You can click on the follow button to get updates from a brand you are interested in. When a brand you are following adds a new project, product or article, you will receive an email notification from Archello about this new publication. In your sign-up you need to explicitly opt-in for these emails. In your account settings you can choose to turn this off or on. On the brand page of the company you follow, your name and profile picture are visible on their followers page.

1.6 Personal profile visibility

An open profile is visible for the public and indexed by search engines. This profile contains your name and added profile information (see 1.1), the collections you created and it shows the brands you are following. On the followers page of the brands you follow, your name and profile picture will also be visible. Brands you are connected to or created will also show your profile photo and name.

In the case you do not want your profile to be visible, you can use the setting 'Hide my profile' in your personal profile settings. With this ‘Hide my profile’ setting your personal profile page will change into an anonymous page for the public.

1.7 Activity

With certain actions on Archello, a company will receive a record of the action if it relates to their profile. When you save a product or project to a collection, click on a website link, download an image, or use any of the contact buttons, the company related to the item on Archello will see your public profile name mentioned in an activity list next to the action you performed. Only your username and profile image are visible, nothing more will be shared (such as your email or other contact information).

If you don't want your name to be visible, also for this you can ‘Hide your profile’ in the personal profile settings and instead of your name in the activity list, it will say ‘anonymous’.

2 Information we collect

2.1 Devices

To optimize the website on relevant devices, screen sizes, browsers and operating systems, we collect information about the device through which you visit the site, and which screen size, browser and operating system you use. The information about how visitors use our site is anonymized and encrypted by Google Analytics.

2.2 Server logs

Both on Amazon Server (Amazon Web Services, Inc.) and Google Analytics (Google LLC.) we keep automated server logs on how you use our services. The images are stored on the Image X services (IMAGEX MEDIA Inc.) servers. Information stored includes which route you entered the site, how long you stayed, which pages you visited, etc. This information is processed into general statistics Archello and its clients can look into.

2.3 IP-address

For each visitor that makes an account on Archello we register an IP-address in order to be able to identify them onward towards the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

2.4 Local storage

It is possible we store data, also of a personal nature, on your local device via mechanisms in your web browser storage and your device’s data caches.

3 Cookies

3.1 What are cookies

A cookie is a small text file that is stored in your computer via your web browser. Your device gets a unique number in order to recognize it. There are two types of cookies. Session cookies and temporary or permanent cookies. The session cookies are deleted as soon as you close the browser. The temporary and permanent cookies stay on your device. Archello uses this information to improve its website experience.

3.2 Which cookies does Archello use

Most of the cookies we use are session cookies, which are immediately deleted after you close the browser. Session cookies are for example used to recognize you are logged in and offer functionalities from the logged in environment. Next to session cookies we also use temporary and permanent cookies. When you come back to the website these cookies make sure to recognize you and remember your website settings. More information on the cookies we use can be found here.

3.3 Remove or block cookies

You can turn off the use of cookies via the settings in your web browser. If you do this you will no longer receive cookies when you visit our website. An explanation on how to do this can often be found in the help section of the web browser. Be advised that without cookies our website performance is less optimal.

4 Data

4.1 Safe storage of your data

The personal information you provide Archello is safely stored on the Amazon AWS cloud servers (in compliance with ISO 27001, 27017, and 27018). Your information is stored for an indeterminate amount of time so that you don't have to provide this information again. Both the website and the services Archello uses are protected and designed in a way such that only employees who absolutely need access in order to perform their tasks can get access. Archello has an assigned privacy officer who oversees that your privacy is protected.

4.2 Data Retention

We will keep and use your data as long as your account is in use, is open, or is active; as long as is necessary to comply with any tax, legal, and/or other regulations; and to protect and defend against potential legal claims. If you would like to request your personally identifiable information or request that it be returned to you, please contact us at [email protected].

4.3 For legal reasons

Archello shares personal information with companies, organisations or persons, when employees of Archello seem due necessary in order to comply with the law, regulations or enforceable government requests, in cases where we need to investigate possible fraud, security risks, violations of our terms, and in order to protect the rights and safety or Archello and its users.

4.4 Trend insights

Information that cannot be traced back to an individual we can use with our clients or users. This way we can show developments in how our services are used.

4.5 Changes

We retain the right to alter this document at a later time. The latest version of the policy applies. If we make profound changes to the policy, the user will be informed about these changes.

4.6 Finding, changing and deleting your personal data

Your personal data on Archello can be accessed, changed or deleted. The information you provided can be accessed, changed or deleted by signing in to your account and performing your intended action. By deleting your data from our website, you understand that you can no longer use our services. We will retain your anonymized, aggregated, depersonalized data after you deleted your account from our site.

4.7 Revocation and objection

You can object to the use of your data for our products and services. At the bottom of every newsletter of Archello you can find an unsubscribe option with which you can unsubscribe. You can also object to further newsletters or to other email advertisements via [email protected]. A written notification (for example by e-mail or by letter) is sufficient for this. The possibility of revocation applies to the permission of explicitly provided data.

If you object to the way in which Archello processes your personal data, we would like to hear that first, so that we can explain our considerations in this respect. If our answer is not sufficient for you, then there is the possibility to file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority.


Email: [email protected]

Phone: 0031(0) 035 699 3055

Postal address: Archello BV, Johan van Hasseltweg 33a, 1021KN, Amsterdam