Archello Awards · Winners Announced
Archello Awards 2023 · Winners Announced
Archello Awards 2023
Winners Announced

メーカーDe Vorm
サプライヤーIVC commercial
メーカーSaint-Gobain Ecophon

Cosentino さんの
modulyss さんの
IVC commercial さんの

Pharmaceutical Office Sofia

DA Architects 建築家 として

There is certain similarity in the contemporary approach to the usage of the office environment, where there is a need to find the proper balance between collaboration spaces, focused work areas and areas for relaxation and recreation. Developed after the post pandemic changes in the way we work, this office aims to provide maximum comfort and to support the productivity of its users.

photo_credit Minko Minev
Minko Minev

The functional requirements and the search for an optimal space usage defined a tangible regularity along the façade, while the spots for collaborations and meetings pop up at different locations, giving a sense of “irregularity” and provoking the people to use them more often. The contrast between these areas requires a corresponding approach to the treatment of the transition in between, which is actually a fluid transition that allows the usage of a certain space to be expanded towards other areas, blurring the borders between them. The zig-zag line of the glass wall, surrounding the work area, creates a tangible dynamics in the transition zones and adds a character to the common areas. The different angles of the walls contribute to a better acoustic environment.

photo_credit Minko Minev
Minko Minev

The expertise and age diversity of the company’s staff is mirrored also in the design treatment of the office. White walls are combined with subtle, subdued green, blue and pink tones, contribute to the overall feeling of coziness and calmness in the different areas. The color palette and its usage is following the general concept of the space, emphasizing on the gradual change of the character in the office. Starting from a minimal use of very subtle colors in the work areas, combined with the raw materials and the clinical minimalistic outlook, part of the company’s DNA and slightly develops into more colorful and “soft” collaboration areas. The large interior glazing allows the natural light to seep through the core, creating a sense of openness and connectivity. The white ceilings mark the pathways, while in the closed spaces the ceiling is mostly exposed concrete ceiling with industrial look. Acoustic panels are useful and colorful addition to the spaces, creating a better sound environment.

photo_credit Minko Minev
Minko Minev

Living in cities, inhabiting buildings we all need to preserve and nourish our connection with the nature. The integrity of a lush natural greenery throughout the office space is based on the principles of the biophilic design approach. In the work area the greenery is directly next to the working stations, the collaboration spots are slightly sheltered with a larger plants, while the kitchen and the social area are totally subdued in variety of greenery. As a result, the people are more productive, balanced and satisfied, due to the improved microclimate and the natural environment.

photo_credit Minko Minev
Minko Minev
photo_credit Minko Minev
Minko Minev
photo_credit Minko Minev
Minko Minev
photo_credit Minko Minev
Minko Minev


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