Archello Awards · Winners Announced
Archello Awards 2023 · Winners Announced
Archello Awards 2023
Winners Announced
Nom du produit
Mandalaki Studio
Éclairage intérieur
Source de lumière

BIM & CAD Files

Elegance and purity of style characterise this set of suspension lamps named Koinè - both in reference to the Mandalaki design studio (Greekword meaning “clothespin”) and for its meaning of “shared language”, referring to its shape which offers such extreme versatility. The real heart of the project lies, however, not in the product design butin the lighting mechanism inside. This is where Koinè’s great innovationlies. A specifically created mineral lens has in fact been applied to thelight source. The beam of light transmitted through the lens appears homogeneous and clear, a wide cone of light with clearly definededges.

The border between light and shade thus results as sharp, not blurred in any way. Thanks to careful direction of the light source, Koinè does not dazzle, guaranteeing a strong yet comfortable light experience. The reflector is a ‘hat’ that plays a mainly decorative role.

Koinè comes in three sizes (diameter 37, 55 and 110 cm), while its height and ceiling space is always contained. Four colours are available - black, white, red and blue. The ceiling rose shape echoes that of the diffuser

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