Archello Awards · Winners Announced
Archello Awards 2023 · Winners Announced
Archello Awards 2023
Winners Announced

Renders 3d e animação para o complexo residencial Havenkade, Nijmegen, Países Baixos

Lunas Visualization como Artistas

É muito gratificante ver os projectos que visualizamos ganharem vida, como é o caso de Havenkade, o empreendimento residencial mais alto de Nijmegen, nos Países Baixos. Para este futuro complexo arquitetónico, produzimos renderizações em 3D, visitas panorâmicas e animação, inteiramente baseadas na poderosa dupla 3DsMax e Corona, juntamente com um cartaz visual representando a próxima abertura da torre mais alta com um espetáculo de luzes na sua fachada. Estamos orgulhosos por termos resolvido todas as necessidades de conteúdo de marketing de uma só vez!


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Havenkade Nijmegen: Modern architecture with sustainable glass solutions

vandaglas como Isolation Glass

In the flourishing city of Nijmegen, on the long side of the Waalhaven, a remarkable new construction project has emerged that has changed the city's skyline. JURY!, and Van Ommeren Architects, has left their mark on the harbor quay with the design of two impressive residential towers and a contemporary apartment block. These architectural masterpieces will become part of the large-scale Waalfront development, which defines the Dijkkwartier in the west of the city center.

The eye-catcher of the project is undoubtedly the tower that graces the sky with its height of over 70 meters. With a unique design, this tower has become a striking landmark for residents and visitors of the Havenkade.

photo_credit Aiste Rakauskaite
Aiste Rakauskaite

An essential aspect of the architectural vision is the use of high-quality insulating glass to envelop the buildings. vandaglas, an independent transformation and distribution company of construction glass, has played a crucial role in this context. This company supplied 4000 m2 of IsoPerform solar thermal glazing and IsoPerform Eclaz One, which contribute to both the aesthetics and sustainability of the project.

photo_credit Aiste Rakauskaite
Aiste Rakauskaite

IsoPerform solar heat resistant glazing: Get the sun again where necessary!
On hot summer days, overheating and excessive solar gain indoors can be problematic. This is where today's IsoPerform SolarControl range comes into play as the ideal solution for the south and west sides of the building. Solar heat-resistant glass is a convenient choice because it reflects heat from outside while retaining natural light. This means you can enjoy a comfortable temperature and good daylight indoors, while you also save energy thanks to effective heat regulation.

photo_credit Aiste Rakauskaite
Aiste Rakauskaite

IsoPerform Eclaz One: Optimal Natural Daylight and Thermal Insulation

IsoPerform Eclaz One stands for glass with a high incidence of natural daylight, aesthetically neutral properties and low outside light reflection. In addition, IsoPerform Eclaz One not only offers visual comfort but also top-class thermal insulation. In addition, it uses free solar energy, which contributes to energy efficiency and the comfort of the residents. The extra amount of light is particularly beneficial on the north side of the building, making it appear as if the windows are considerably larger due to the increased light.

photo_credit Aiste Rakauskaite
Aiste Rakauskaite
Products Behind Projects
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