Archello Awards · Winners Announced
Archello Awards 2023 · Winners Announced
Archello Awards 2023
Winners Announced
Gustafs Panel System
Nombre Del Producto
Gustafs Panel System
Gustafs Scandinavia AB
Revestimiento de paredes
Laminados y chapas, Revestimiento decorativo de la pared, Elementos arquitectónicos decorativos y Paneles de pared y revestimientos
Producto de madera, MDF, Wood veneer, Melamine-faced chipboard
De colores
Aspecto madera
Aspecto metal
Paneles decorativos
Revestimiento de madera
Características técnicas
Certificado FSC
Retardante de fuego
Bajo VOC
Certificado PEFC

BIM & CAD Files

A wall or a ceiling clad in wood immediately provides the room with a classic exclusive appearance. It is this tradition and the modern building process that are the driving forces behind the development of Gustafs Panel System®. We can offer you a solution that combines fire protection and variable acoustic properties with the aesthetical charm of a wood surface.

We can offer a wide range of surfaces, surface finishes and accessories. These elements create the essence of the Gustafs Panel System while increasing its creative possibilities and function. The Gustafs Panels System is well documented and the many reference projects throughout Europe and Asia are testimony to our woodworking experience and project manufacturing.

Thanks to the development of our Capax profile system we can provide simple and secure installations well tuned to today’s rapid building processes.

Be inspired by some of the projects Gustafs have been involved with!

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