Archello Awards · Winners Announced
Archello Awards 2023 · Winners Announced
Archello Awards 2023
Winners Announced
Nom du produit
Éclairage intérieur
Lampadaires et Pendentifs

BIM & CAD Files

In 1968 the students’ revolts in Paris, Rome and the United States were overthrowing stiff, old values, and initiating the Flower-Power generation of peace, love and harmony. Same year, Stanley Kubrick pictured the future of the year 2001, featuring the Verner Panton Chair, and man was soon to set foot on the moon. In the world of design, a colourful, playful pendant hung in restaurants and exhibitions, and very soon, in everybody’s homes.

The FlowerPot with its two semicircular spheres facing each other has long proved its lasting design quality and is just as much a synonym of our time, too. & In his young days, Panton often set off from Copenhagen in an odd looking converted Volkswagen for a trek across Europe, dropping in on fellow designers to share ideas - and good meals.

The Flowerpot lamp became synonymous with the Flower Power movement from the late 60s. Reflecting a break from convention to embrace a more open, modern mentality that promoted peace and harmony. Such was the mindset of its designer, Verner Panton. One of the most forward-thinking talents of his time. The Flowerpot series consists of several different models, including three pendants and two table lamps - all in a wide range of colours.

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