Archello Awards · Winners Announced
Archello Awards 2023 · Winners Announced
Archello Awards 2023
Winners Announced
Nom du produit
Portes extérieures

A thermal break frame and the use of vacuum-sealed materials as insulation ones, in addition to a special counterframe of wood and to specific sealings of the knot frame-wall: all concepts never used before for these products, which are combined together in Evolution 3TT, the door that changes the thermal resistance of entry architectures. Highly customizable, Evolution 3TT entails the insertion of floor thermal break to retain even more heat with no condensation, reaching the remarkable value 9A of watertight. The thermal break also allows to have a very high thermal insulation value of 0,75 U and high performance in the tightness of air, water and wind, in addition to a drastic reduction of the condensation formation.

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