Archello Awards · Winners Announced
Archello Awards 2023 · Winners Announced
Archello Awards 2023
Winners Announced

Educational architecture

educational architecture に関するプロジェクト、製品、独占記事の概要

ニュース仕様 • 3 Jan 2024

10 educational facilities that prioritize energy self-sufficiency

The International Energy Agency (IEA) highlights that operating buildings accounts for “30 percent of global final energy consumption and 26 percent of global energy-related emissions.” The 26 percent figure equates to a combination of direct emissions (8 percent) from buildings themselves and indirect emissions (18 percent) from producing the electricity and heat that buildings use. Buildings that improve their energy efficiency (and self-sufficiency), particularly those that are energy-positive or energy-neutral, will, in addition to significantly lowering costs, improve air quality and comfort levels for their users: in effect, improving the overall health and vitality of people. A number of factors are related to energy eff... もっと見る

プロジェクト • にDL atelier小学校


This is an introspective inquiry and response about what is school and what is education. Zhu Yumeng Zhu Yumeng Zhu Yumeng Drawing from my personal and professional encounters, I have acquired a more extensive comprehension of education and formulated my own educational approach - "captivate initially, lead subsequently, support tenacity, and cultivate collaboratively." Zhu Yumeng Zhu Yumeng Beginning of the answer In order to extend the happy and lively educational experience to the childhood of today's children, this school not only meets the corresponding teaching functional requirements in its design but also creates more engaging and exploratory spaces. Creating environments that are both lively and peaceful... もっと見る

プロジェクト • にreMIX studio大学

HKUST(GZ) Red Bird Maker Space

The Red Bird Maker Space is the core of a new multi-disciplinary approach to engineering education. During two years, students from different programs work in teams of five to develop a prototype that combines their expertise, gaining a holistic experience of the design and product development process. In the vision of the faculty, this innovative educational model had to be matched with an environment that inspires creativity and favors debates within the team and exchanges across different research groups. The project consists of multiple spaces distributed in different buildings of the new HKUST(GZ) campus, with a program that comprises design studios (7,400 m2 on three floors), fabrication labs (800 m2) and the high bay (950 m2), the mo... もっと見る

プロジェクト • にMIKAMI Architects小学校

Nakazato Elementary and Junior High School

Hitachi City stretches along the Pacific coast and is the birthplace of the global HITACHI Group. The site is located in Nakazato, a district of Hitachi City, but can only be reached from the city center by crossing a mountain. The area was incorporated into Hitachi City because it once housed company housing for workers of Hitachi Mine, the predecessor of HITACHI. However, the Hitachi Mine is now gone and the Nakazato area is a lonely mountain village. KOUJI HORIUCHI KOUJI HORIUCHI KOUJI HORIUCHI KOUJI HORIUCHI Nakazato Elementary and Junior High School is a small combined elementary and junior high school built in its mountainous surroundings, with about 10 students per grade, but the number of local children alone wa... もっと見る

プロジェクト • にBezzon Arquitetura小学校

Colégio Bento Benedini

Colégio Bento Benedini is located in the city of Ribeirão Preto on the corner of two important avenues in the city. When the clients came to us, in the early 1990s, they were looking to expand the school and would like to remain in the same location. For this reason, the construction deadline was a major challenge, as classes could not be delayed or stopped completely. Bezzon Arquitetura Bezzon Arquitetura Bezzon Arquitetura Therefore, our office chose to use dry construction technology to gain agility and carry out the work during the end-of-year school holidays, that is, we use metal structures, pre-cast concrete slabs, drywall sealing and exposed installations, which was a great technical advance for the cit... もっと見る

プロジェクト • にLOC Architects中学校

Crossroads Pac Air Arts and Athletic Facility

Crossroads School is a K-12 private school whose upper school is situated on an unconventional urban infill campus. This 13,000 sf warehouse across the street from the original campus, previously used as storage by airplane parts distributor, was acquired by the school to accommodate an eclectic mix of functions that needed to be relocated from adjacent structures. Nico Marques The existing double bow-truss structure provided voluminous ceiling height and the project focused on seizing the opportunities that this provided. The raw industrial aesthetic was sympathetic with the character and ethos of Crossroads School. Nico Marques The eclectic program of the project was inserted into the existing structure as a set of distinct vo... もっと見る

プロジェクト • にBCMF Arquitetos小学校

Bernoulli Salvador

BCMF Arquitetos signs another project for the Bernoulli Education Group in Salvador, Bahia, prepared to receive students from Early Childhood Education to High School. The new unit located in the neighborhood Caminho das Árvores, Alameda das Catabas, will serve not only the residents of the neighborhood, but also students from all over the capital and nearby.  Caption  Designed from an energy efficiency and sustainability study, the modern and robust structure will have large and integrated spaces in an area of more than 16.000 m². It will count with an excellent infrastructure in the aspect of spaces and technology, with  gymnasiums and rooms for arts, music and maker, theater, kitchen and pedagogical garde... もっと見る

プロジェクト • にBCMF Arquitetos小学校

Bernoulli Vale Do Sereno

BCMF Arquitetos signs another project for the Bernoulli Education Group in Minas Gerais, located in Vale do Sereno, Nova Lima, metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte. The unit will welcome students from both cities and beyond, from kindergarten to high school.  Caption The new school will have about 40.000 m² and will contemplate spectacular spaces for sports, art, music, maker, pedagogical kitchen, laboratories and theater besides from solutions to adapt the structure and occupations to mobility issues, as different times of entry and exit of students, to dilute the circulation of cars in the surroundings. It will also have vacancies for school transport vehicles, students boarding and disembarking drives, app cars and staff... もっと見る

ニュース仕様 • 16 May 2023

10 dynamic atria in secondary schools

中等教育は、思春期の人生において重要な成長期にあたる。多くの時間を学校環境で過ごすため、建物や周囲の環境は必然的に若者の世界に対する見方や考え方に影響を与える。教育環境の物理的な側面は、学習能力や社交能力に影響を与える可能性がある。 中学校の校舎に吹き抜けを取り入れることは、社会的な結束力を育むのに特に適している。ダイナミックな建築的特徴であるアトリウムは、通常数階建てになっている。屋根はガラス張りにすることが多いが、全体をガラス張りにすることも部分的にガラス張りにすることも可能で、豊富な自然光を確保することができる。アトリウムは、人と空間をつなぐ役割を果たし、しばしば建物の内部建築を特徴づける。 中等学校では、アトリウムは重要な拠点であり、学生のホットスポットである。教室から離れ、社交を楽しんだり、勉強したり、食事をしたりするのに理想的な場所である。アトリウムに緑を加えることで、生徒や職員が自然とつながり、全体的な幸福感が向上する。   以下に、中等学校におけるダイナミック・アトリアの10の例を挙げる。   1. Francis Tuttle Danforth Campus Justin Miers Photography 米国オクラホマ州にあるフランシス・タトル・ダンフォース・キャンパスは、ボッカス・ペインの設計によるもので、光あふれるガラスのロタンダが組み込まれている。   2. Lycée Franco-Allemand David Matthiessen ベーニッシュ・アーキテクトンの設計によるフランス、ブックのリセ・フランコ・アルルマンには、内部から外部への移行を示すパ... もっと見る

プロジェクト • にArchitecture Counsel中学校

Kingsway College School Senior School

When Kingsway College School (KCS) decided to expand its curriculum to include grades 9-12, Architecture Counsel (ACi) was engaged to create an ambitious, phased master plan that would reflect the school’s unique vision and ambition. The first phase (which accommodates grades 9 and 10) was completed in September 2022 with the second phase now underway. The new senior school creates a new paradigm for high school students, using the City of Toronto as its laboratory and campus. With an emphasis on fostering community and strong civic values through experiential learning, a student-centric approach, and sustainability, the school is the only independent high school in Toronto to occupy an existing high-rise residential tower.  ... もっと見る

プロジェクト • にSmith Architects保育園

Gaia (Earth) Forest Preschool, Manurewa

Nestled amongst native New Zealand bush, this leaf shaped Early Learning Centre aims to foster the connection between children and the earth. The centre operates around a Gaia (Earth) focused philosophy, and the environment and building play a vital role in ensuring this philosophy. Tessa Chrisp Photography Tessa Chrisp Photography Tessa Chrisp Photography The design of the centre reflects this philosophy by adopting a biophilic form that integrates sustainability and has a light touch on the surrounding environment to ensure children are in a healthy environment that is connected to nature. Tessa Chrisp Photography Elevated Media もっと見る

プロジェクト • にPlan architect小学校

Bangkok Prep II Block D

Bangkok Preps building D, located on the Bangkok Preps Secondary Campus, is mainly use for grade 10-12 classroom, sixth form and spacious common space for student activities. Caption With the limitation of land area which sitting next to the existing building, the building is designed to place a gap as big as it can be between them, provided the wide front to be common area in front of the classrooms and created visual linkagebetween common space area and football field outside. The main space in the building is a big-step alike linking from top to bottom allowed natural light get through the corridor Caption Meanwhile, the building shape is also created the pocket court between two buildings provided outdoor common space f... もっと見る

プロジェクト • にPlan architect保育園

The Kensington Learning space

     The Kensington Learning space is a new concept of kids learning space that consist of a learning space, playing space and natural space. The site location is sitting in the Bangkok suburban area with the not-so-interesting surrounding. So the layout design is set to create its own atmosphere. Caption      The learning space are designed for two main functions which are classrooms and sport complex. With various functions and room dimensions, the design intends to put every function sitting in nature with natural light and greenery view come through the window.  Caption      The oval shape with the center court is picked to make all rooms get view on both sides. The varied ro... もっと見る

プロジェクト • にPiotr Hardecki Architekt小学校

Educational complex in Gdynia

A senior primary and secondary school for approximately 650 students attending 26 classes and an eight-room kindergarten for approximately 200 children. Photo: Bartek Makowski Photo: Bartek Makowski The concept of the building was selected in a nationwide architectural competition.The school was designed in the form of two separate wings with separate entrance halls and cloakroom complexes. An irregular "street" connects the two entrance halls on the ground floor and the common functions, i.e. library, assembly hall, administration, teachers' room and sports area. The kitchen facilities serve both the school and the kindergarten. The sports section includes a gymnasium with a 20x40m pitch (which can be divided into three sma... もっと見る

プロジェクト • にAndrés Zegers Arquitecto保育園

Ombu Afuera Kindergarten

Users are children from 2 to 6 years old. The space and layout should make sense for them. Outdoor learning is a program or educational method which is based on the experience and contact of children with nature and the benefits this brings to their training; cognitive, social and emotionally-wise benefits. There are no official regulations for designing this “new” kind of infrastructure, so we made sure every driving concept was the result of a creative process between architect, landscape designer and teachers. Marcos Zegers The site was a 1500 m2 empty lot with a soft depression produced by the demolition a former construction. This somewhat moving topography was used to create 2 main levels connected by a sloping garde... もっと見る