Archello Awards · Winners Announced
Archello Awards 2023 · Winners Announced
Archello Awards 2023
Winners Announced
Autocamp Zion
Matt Kisiday

Autocamp Zion

Narrative Design Studio en tant que Interior Designers.

Shannon Niehenke of Narrative Design Studio designed intimate community spaces that effortlessly reflect each location’s distinctive natural setting.

photo_credit Matt Kisiday
Matt Kisiday

AutoCamp, a leader in outdoor hospitality, selected award-winning interior designer Shannon Niehenke of Narrative Design Studio to create extraordinary designs for its Joshua Tree and Zion locations.

photo_credit Matt Kisiday
Matt Kisiday

Collaborating with global design firm HKS, Niehenke created an oasis of elegance for each property by seamlessly marrying luxurious interiors with the surrounding natural beauty of the landscape.

photo_credit Matt Kisiday
Matt Kisiday

AutoCamp Zion showcases a similar commitment to design excellence and environmental stewardship. The Clubhouse design by HKS embodies mid-century modern architecture fused with elements inspired by the desert landscape. With its clean lines and natural materials, such as wood and stone, the Clubhouse seamlessly integrates into the scenic Utah landscape, providing expansive glass views for guests to savor the surrounding natural beauty.

photo_credit Matt Kisiday
Matt Kisiday

Narrative Design Studio’s color palette for the Clubhouse was inspired by the red rocks of Southern Utah. The interiors emphasize earthy plaster, bronze tones, and warm wood, offering a seamless transition between the indoors and outdoors. Sustainable materials, like cork adorn walls and furniture, further contribute to the tactile and eco-friendly atmosphere.

photo_credit Matt Kisiday
Matt Kisiday

Niehenke shares her approach, noting, "The rich, red earth in Southern Utah is so striking. Rather than pulling those tones into the interior, we chose to accentuate the surrounding landscape by keeping the palette fairly neutral. The architecture has soaring windows in both the Clubhouse and meeting space. Rather than place art on every wall, we chose to feature the views as artwork, with the intent of creating a calming environment where guests can enjoy the incredible scenery."

photo_credit Matt Kisiday
Matt Kisiday


Interior Designer: Narrative Design Studio

Architect: HKS Architects

Photographer: Matt Kisiday

photo_credit Matt Kisiday
Matt Kisiday
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