Archello Awards · Winners Announced
Archello Awards 2023 · Winners Announced
Archello Awards 2023
Winners Announced
Archello Awards 2023 Longlist – Products

Archello Awards 2023 Longlist – Products

12 Oct 2023  •  Archello Awards  •  Archello

Archello Awards 2023 has revealed its longlist for its products of the year categories. The longlists celebrate the very best architecture projects and building products selected from over 1,000 entries for the very first edition of our awards program. The 17 categories listed here recognize exemplary products manufactured for both interior and exterior use, intended to serve all sorts of space types spanning homes, offices, commercial and institutional projects. The categories range from roof and facade cladding to window treatments, furniture solutions, lighting and bathroom products. 




Roof Cladding of the Year


Blinds of the Year


Window Frame of the Year


Facade Cladding of the Year






Door of the Year


Office Furniture of the Year


Home Furniture of the Year


Kitchen Product of the Year


Bathroom Product of the Year


Lighting of the Year


Ceiling of the Year


Wall Finish of the Year


Interior Wall of the Year


Floor of the Year




Building tech


Building Tech of the Year





Outdoor Furniture of the Year



These are all the longlisted products grouped per category.


Roof Cladding of the Year


Blinds of the Year


Window Frame of the Year


Facade Cladding of the Year


Door of the Year


Office Furniture of the Year


Home Furniture of the Year


Kitchen Product of the Year


Bathroom Product of the Year


Lighting of the Year


Ceiling of the Year


Wall Finish of the Year


Interior Wall of the Year


Floor of the Year


Building Tech of the Year


Outdoor Furniture of the Year